景総 総宗の脇指

 長さ 一尺六寸九分 反り四分八厘、 大平造り、真の棟。



 本刀は総体頗る健全で、むずかしい大平造りを無難にこなし、地、刃のよく働いた傑作である。本刀を一段と引き締め飾っているのは表裏にある精巧で雄渾な彫刻である。 景総は時代永正ごろの刀工で類品の少ない珍品。総宗は初代が文明ごろで、本刀の表銘に「景総」の銘があり、景総が先輩格になり、二代総宗(永正ごろ)との合作になる。 末相州一派には秀れた彫刻のある作刀が多く、なかでも総宗は上手であるが、本刀の彫刻はそれらの中でも群をぬく出色の出来映えである。合作銘は好資料。 (皎園)


 The length is one shaku, six sun and nine bu and the sori is four bu and eight rin.The period is circa Eisho (1504-1521). The construction is o–hira–zukuri with a shin–nomune. The fukura is not full and the shape has powerful saki-zori. The kitae is ko–itame that is covered in ji nie and very tight. The hamon is gunome–midare and the habuchi is unevenly covered in nie. The nioiguchi is tight, bright and vivid. From around the fukura there is hitatsura. The boshi is midare–komi with a short kaeri. Inside a cartouche on the omote is carved a high relief shin–no ken–maki–ryu realistic dragon entwining a ken) and on the ura is a dokko–ken carving. The nakago is ubu, and the yasuri are katte–sagari. There is one mekugi–ana. On the omote is engraved “Kagefusa” [景総] and on the ura is “Fusamune” [総宗].

 This is a jointly made work by Sue–Soshu Kagefusa and Fusamune. The entire blade is strikingly healthy and though there is a tendency for hira–zukuri shapes to be poorly done, this blade is faultlessly put together. It is a masterpiece with a highly active ji–ha. Moreover, what enhances the beauty of the sword even more are the skillfully magnificent carvings on both sides of the blade.

  Kagefusa is smith of circa Eisho (1504-1521) and as there are few extant works, this is rare blade. The first generation of Fusamune dates to circa Bunmei (1469-1487) and as the Kagefusa [景総] signature is on the omote, he is senior to Fusamune, making this a jointly made work with second generation Fusamune (circa Eisho).

 In the SUE–SOSHU school there are many swords with excellent carvings. Among such works those by Fusamune are particularly skilled. However, the carvings on this blade, even among those excellent carvings, have a brilliant style of workmanship that is absolutely the most preeminent. The jointly made signature is an important source of research information. (Koen)